- Permanent Residence:
- Federal Skilled Worker
- Canadian Experience Class
- Federal Skilled Trades
- Provincial Nominee Programs (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Eduard Island, Saskatchewan, Yukon)
- Quebec Skilled Worker
- PEQ program
- International Students Pathways to Permanent Resident
- Caregiver Pathways to Permanent Resident
- Atlantic Immigration Program
- Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot
- Agri-Food Immigration Pilot.
- business programs: Entrepreneur, Investor, Self-employed
- Family class programs
- Refugees and Protected Persons, Humanitarian and other.
- Temporary resident:
- Visitor Visa
- Business Visa
- Student Visa
- Work visa
- Other services related to Immigration
- Laber Market Impact Assessment
- Citizenship
- Permanent Resident Card
- Overcome Inadmissibility to Canada: Rehabilitation, Temporary resident Permit, Autorisation to return to Canada
- Refusals and Appeals (IAD) :
- Residency obligation appeals
- Sponsorship appeals
- Refugees Appeals
- Removal order appeals