• مواعيد العمل :
  • العنوان: 1111 Boulevard Dr.-Frederik-Philips, Montréal, Quebec H4M 2X6 suite 600, Canada
احجز استشارة Book a Consultation

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Initial Consultation Agreement

This Initial Consultation Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions for the Initial Consultation between the client, details mentioned below and AliMigration Inc. incorporated in Montreal, Canada herein represented by Souad Al Ali, a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC # R705691) AND WHEREAS the RCIC is a member of Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (the “Council”), the regulator in Canada for immigration consultants.

RCIC will provide Client with the following professional services under the terms of this Agreement: The purpose of the Initial Consultation is for us (a) to learn about you and your particular immigration situation based on the information you provide, which may include one or more aspects of the Canadian immigration process and related procedures; (b) to answer your questions to the best of our ability; (c) to identify your options and, to the extent possible, analyze the costs and benefits of those alternatives; (d) to help you determine your course of action if any; (e) to determine the next steps in the process, as appropriate. All information and documents that you provide to us shall remain strictly confidential.

The Client is obliged to pay a fee for an immigration consultation. This fee is not refundable.

Limits of Engagement - No Legal Authority Granted
The services to be provided under this Agreement are limited to a single consultation on the matter described above. The RCIC shall not provide further information or advice to Client unless the Client and the RCIC have expressly agreed to a continuation with respect to this and other matters and a separate written agreement concerning those other matters has been entered into by Client and RCIC. This agreement does not obligate the RCIC to act for Client in any application or proceedings. Should the client require further advice or representation from the RCIC following this initial consultation, the Client must sign a separate retainer agreement with RCIC. RCIC is no way responsible for the final application submitted. It is up to the CLIENT to follow or not follow the advice. It is the responsibility of the client to prepare a complete application.

Method of Consultation
RCIC shall provide consulting services to Client in person, by phone, email or by Google meet. The consultation shall last for such a period of time as is necessary for RCIC to perform the services under this agreement.

Other Conditions
Client responsibility: The client must provide the RCIC with such factual information and documentation as are required to perform the consultation. The client must be accurate and honest and must inform RCIC of all information, even if negative or adverse, which might be relevant to the advice provided by RCIC in this matter. Failure to fully disclose all relevant information to RCIC will impact the advice given by RCIC and may void this Agreement, or seriously affect the outcome of the application of Client or the retention of any status that Client may obtain.

Advise current on the date of consultation: The advice provided by the RCIC to Client is based on the Canadian immigration law and policy current on the date of the consultation where relevant. The RCIC is not responsible or accountable for any change in government legislation or policy that may impact the processing of any subsequent application by Client.

No guarantee on the outcome: RCIC shall provide consulting services to Client to the standard of a competent ICCRC member. RCIC does not guarantee that he will be able to assist the Client in meeting his or her business, education, employment or immigration goals.

Confidentiality: RCIC is required to preserve the confidences and secrets of the Client. This professional obligation exists to encourage candid and complete communications between the Client and the RCIC. All information and documentation provided by Client and reviewed by the RCIC will not be divulged to any third party, other than RCIC’s agents and employees, without prior consent, except as demanded by law.

Refund Policy: The fees paid for the services rendered are non-refundable.
This Agreement shall be governed by the laws in effect in the Province/Territory of Quebec, and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein.

Please be advised that Mrs. Souad Al Ali is a member in good standing of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC), and as such, is bound by its By-law, Code of Professional Ethics, and Regulations.

Acceptance. By clicking the checkbox below to indicate your agreement of these terms, you will by that action agree to all of the terms and conditions set forth above in this Initial Consultation Agreement and acknowledge that any further engagement of  Souad Al Ali (AliMigration Inc.) will require a further written agreement with different terms.


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